New Nikon VMZ-S6555 Measuring Tool CNC Video Measuring System

The growth of self-driving car sensor technology, coupled with the full EV market in the automotive industry, has led to a significant increase in demand for electronic components, as well as electronic component quality control itself, and requires higher accuracy.

To accommodate that need, Nikon developed a new series of measuring instruments. "NEXIV VMZ-S" for checking the size of industrial parts That requires faster and higher resolution

The VMZ-S6555 has a stage size of up to 650 x 550 x 200 mm. It can support a wide range of workpieces, and auto-measure software, which has developed GUI, makes it easy for users to use. With automatic structural measurement functions, including algorithm adjustment, the stage and work measurements are performed quickly. This makes it possible to accurately measure the details of the work. In reduced times, the increased demand for full automation of production lines such as semiconductor industry. This makes automated measurement solutions necessary to implement the

"NEXIV VMZ-S" series program with on-premises automatic wafer loading system or network transmission, thus effectively responding to the quality inspection process.

Contact for more information at
Industrial Instruments Division
Hollywood International Ltd.
Tel: 02-653-8555, 02-653-8255, 02-251-6032 (30 lines) ext. 710, 712, 720, 727, 728 or 729