2024 In-house Training ตารางการอบรมประจำปี 2024

In-house Training Schedule for this Year 2024.
Dear Valued Customers,
We are pleased to announce the schedule of our in-house training for this year, 2024. This program is designed to enhance the skills and knowledge of your team in using essential measuring tools such as NEXIV, iNEXIV, and LK CMM.
Our training program has been meticulously designed to provide participants with a rich experience filled with knowledge and skills that can be applied efficiently in their daily work. The training will include in-depth theoretical instruction and practical exercises conducted by experienced specialists.
For additional details regarding the training program or to register to attend, please contact Mr. Wittaya Piriyasurawong, Industrial Instruments Division, Tel. 02-653-8255, 02-653-8555, extension 710-719, or mobile phone 086-788-8349. Alternatively, you can reach out via email at wittaya.ind@hollywood.co.th.
We appreciate your interest in and trust in our services. We hope that you and your team will benefit greatly from this training program.
For more information, please contact us
Industrial Instruments Division
Hollywood International Ltd.
Tel. 02-653-8555, 02-653-8255, 02-251-6023 Ext. 710, 712, 715, 720, 727, 728 and 729
E-mail: ind@hollywood.co.th
Website: http://www.hollywood.co.th