CMM Manager software

CMM-Manager by QxSoft is a task-oriented, highly intuitive, 3D CAD based, software package for LK CMM. Software is available for both new and existing CMM hardware. We offer software for Nikon CNC Video Measuring Machine (iNEXIV).
The fully integrated software environment features:
• Walk-Quick-Measure
• Collision-Free CAD-Measure
• Virtual Simulation
• Real-time Verification
• Automatic Path Planning
• Flexible Report Output           
• CAD Alignment
• Iterative Datum Alignment
• Vision Measurement Tools
• Multi-Channel Lighting Control
• Graphical Reporting
For more information, please contact
Industrial Instruments Division
Hollywood International Ltd.
Tel : 02-653-8555, 02-653-8255, 02-251-6032 (30 lines) ext. 710, 712, 715, 720, 727, 728 or 729
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