Wi8i G2 PRO: Wafer Vision Inspection Handler

Wi8i G.2 Wafer Vision Inspection Handler offers advanced solution for 2D surface defect inspections, measurements, and multiple handling mechanisms to support different wafer
forms including raw wafer, hoop ring, framed wafer range from 100mm (4”) to 300mm (12”) and waffle pack.

Model Type Wi8 i G2
Wafer Input Type & Size
Raw Wafer - 6” (150mm) , 8” (200mm) , 12” (300mm)

Hoop Ring - 4” (100mm) , 6” (150mm) , 8” (200mm) - manual loading

Framed Wafer - 6” (150mm) , 8” (200mm) , 12” (300mm)
Camera Lens
2X 5X 7.5X
2.2 μm / pixel 0.9 μm / pixel 0.6 μm / pixel
Field of View
9.1mm x 9.1mm 3.6mm x 3.6mm 2.4mm x 2.4mm
System Capability

Offline Verifier

Optimize production yield. Once wafer inspection is completed, user can identify, review and reclassify inspection result with Offline Verifier.

Wafer Automated Loader-Unloader

Auto handling supports up to 300mm (12”) raw wafer, hoop ring and framed wafer.

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