The Way of Harmony

The Way of  Harmony

    The twenty-first century has witnessed the rapid development of the global economy as well as the
requent academic and cultural exchanges all over the world. At the historical turning point ofthe society,
The Way of Harmony is published with the aim to rediscover the philosophical heritage,promote theoretical creativity, and cultivate excellent talented people.

    The way of harmony is the core principle and basic spirit of traditional Chinese culture, by which the
Chinese nation has established a foothold in the world.

    By harmony, it means that different things can exist in orderly collaboration. Although different in many
aspects, they form a harmonious entity --- this is just the essence of harmony.

    Harmony does not mean being totally the same as others. Nor does it mean being extremely different
form others and acting in one’s own way. It means abandoning both extremes, and taking the middle way
of keeping one’s own character and collaborating perfectly with others.

    To a nation, harmony means that different social classes can cooperate and every member can find their
right place and do their share in the society.

    This is an age of competition and an age that calls for cooperating with others. Those who have gained
success know that good interpersonal relationship and effective cooperation are the keys to success.

    Cooperation means that you must be good at being on harmonious terms with others. Many people have
proved by their experiences that catching opportunities and gaining support from others in social life can
pave the way for their success.

    In addition, leading a harmonious life is also an important index for one’s happiness. Life in its transiency
is a one-way journey, and no one can live his life a second time. Everyone needs the sense of social belonging,
or we can but live in loneliness, which will inevitably lessen our sense of happiness.

    Harmony is in fact ever-existing in our history. It is rooted in the ancient wisdom. As Mencius said, “Good opportunities are no better than good bulwarks, while good bulwarks are outmatched by harmonious human relationships.”

    Harmony has its own law and rules, which can be expressed in the word “way”. The way of harmony refers
to the law by which harmony is created and functioning. Once you have mastered the law, you will be good at handling interpersonal relationship and create a favorable surrounding for yourself.

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