Trust the System Rather Than the Individual

Trust the System Rather Than the Individual

    If management is the tree, then system is the soil which nourishes all things in the universe. Only a fertile land can produce luxuriant plants; only a sound and reasonable system can ensure the management in an enterprise to be effective and standardized. System is the best guarantee of management. Only by improving the system continually can management become standardized and free of the cumbersome routines, at the same time creating more space for the management and staff.

    The rules and regulations of an enterprise must be amended, supplemented and improve continually, so as to adapt to the ever changing objective environment. All successful organizations have one common feature: rely on the system rather than on the man. In the final analysis, it is their management superiority that brings about their competitive superiority and success, and management superiority comes from the system that fits the conditions of the organization.

    There is no such thing as a set of rules and regulations universally applicable. What really important is to grasp the concept of a management system, find the methodology of creating and executing it. The purpose of this book is to provide more managing personnel with the understanding and practice of the tool which is called a system, the basic yet most important management tool, to enable an enterprise to develop faster and better.

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