Deliery and Training Trimble R8s GNSS to AS Associate Engineering (1964) co., ltd.

Our surveying division delivered Trimble R8s – the high accuracy GNSS receiver to AS Associate Engineering (1964) co., ltd. and provided an on-site training to their officers.
Since the AS surveyors get used to the traditional surveying, this training started with the fundamental of GNSS surveying, methods, pros and limitation of GNSS surveying etc. Then we explained the equipment in the set and how to use with care to keep the GNSS work efficiently. After that, we participated with AS surveyors to site survey and collecting data both for Static and RTK solution. Back to office, we transferred the static epochs from receivers and explained how to do baseline processing, loop closure and network adjustment in Trimble Business Center software. The result can be generated in different formats according to customer’s and project manager’s need.