Nowadays positioning technology using GNSS receivers has been developed significantly over the years. The number of "Receiver Channels" has increased over time, from 555 channels to 672 channels to 1668 channels. The number of satellites used for positioning that currently operate in orbit around the world is only about 120. This raises the question: "Are more channels better?"
Since the world is spherical, so the other side of the world is obscured. The GNSS receivers are unable to receive satellite signals all over the world at the same time. Therefore, only 299 channels are sufficient to receive GNSS signals. This is why our Trimble R980 with 672 channels is enough to work efficiently.
Besides the ability to track satellite signals, positioning accuracy is also important which depends on the;
- The processing algorithm in the receiver reduces the multipath and stabilizes the signal-tracking system.
- Correction source for Real-Time Kinematic or Precise Point Positioning that enhances the position accuracy.
- Signal tracking performance that can track all the available GNSS Systems around the world at all L-band frequencies. This can increase the opportunity to gain an accurate position and signal stability.
The increasing number of GNSS receiver channels is caused by the development of the GNSS system which is more complex and diverse. A receiver with more channels can increase tracking efficiency, but that does not mean the results are always better. The ability to track all the latest and up-to-date signals, including an advanced processing engine in the receiver that can deliver quick and accurate position like Trimble R980 - All you need in one receiver.